Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Search for Candy and Other Happenings Part 3

Hello and welcome to this, our final edition of the premier full length cartoon starring none other then the Ever Curious Cartoon Rob. That's right, I said it, the final edition. Here you will finally find out how on earth Cartoon Rob is gonna get out of this crazy situation. My guess - a bunch of even crazier stuff happens and then there's some lack luster ending tacked on at the end. Because honestly, where else but the end of a story would you want to tack on a lack luster ending. One more time for the record books, lack luster. Let's dive right in, shall we?

                                       Cartoon Rob in 
             The Search for Candy and Other Happenings
part 3

And thus concludes the premier cartoon starring the Ever Curious Cartoon Rob. Pretty exciting stuff right? Well, lets not fool ourselves here and forget about that ending. Oh boy that ending. Yea I know, why have that end the story? I really don't know what to say other then it was a different time back then when this was originally written. I digress, to the future we head.

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