Monday, April 22, 2013

Dump Truck

What? It's back? That's Right! It's back! A solid forty eight days later, Cartoon Rob returns! And with this return brings some changes. Well, one change at least. And that change is? A renaming. A decision has been made to start calling the posts containing random drawings "Dump Truck." And, before you ask, yes I will be reusing a joke I tried to use when this type of post was called "Clean Up." Let's see if this name sticks longer this time shall we.

First up, we have a couple scenes taking place under a tree. Why a tree? Cause it's one of the few ways I can convey something that happens outside.

Next is a cave, and then a ghost. Yeah, I don't know.

Once, I found out I wouldn't be going to Disney World when a certain someone was going to go. This was my response. Not really a "Cartoon Rob" I know.

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